The Stress areas are as follows

  • Service Courses
  • Pure Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry)
  • Pure Mathematics (Calculus, Analysis, Differential Equations)
  • Applied Mathematics (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and mathematical Physics)
  • Mathematical Methods

Standard Four-Year Programme

First Year Mathematics
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 111 Elementary Mathematics I 3
MTH 121 Elementary Mathematics II 3
Required Ancillary Course
STA 205 Statistics for Physical Sciences 2
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
General Study Courses
GSP 101 Communication in English I 2
GSP 111 The Use of Library and Study Skills 2
Elective Courses
Any 4-5 unit from the following: 4/5
PHY 125 Fundamentals of Physics I 3
PHY 193 Practical Physics II 2
CHM 101 Basic Principles of Chemistry I 2
CHM 171 Basic Practical Chemistry 2
STA 111 Probability I 2
STA 131 Inference I 2
BIO 151 General Biology I 3
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 122 Elementary Mathematics III 3
MTH 132 Elementary Mechanics I 3
Required Ancillary Courses
STA 206 Statistics for Physical Sciences 2
General Study Courses
GSP 102 Communication in English II 2
Elective Courses
Any 4-5 units from the following: 6/7
PHY 136 Fundamental of Physics 3
PHY 156 Fundamental of Physics III 2
CHM 112 Basic Principle of Physical Chemistry 2
CHM 122 Basic Principle of Organic Chemistry 2
GLG 142 Earth History 3
STA 112 Probability II 2
STA 132 Inference II 2
STA 134 Laboratory for Inference I 2
Second Year Mathematics
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 211 Set, Logic and Algebra 3
MTH 215 Linear Algebra I 2
MTH 221 Real Analysis I 3
MTH 231 Elementary Mechanics II 2
Required Ancillary Courses
STA 211 Probability III 2
COS 201 Computer Programming I 2
General Study Courses
GSP 201 Basic Concepts &Theory of Peace 2
GSP 207 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 2
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 218 Three- Dimensional Analytic Geometry 2
MTH 216 Linear Algebra II 2
MTH 222 Elementary Differential Equations I 3
MTH 224 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3
MTH 242 Mathematical Methods I 3
MTH 242 Mathematical Methods I 3
STA 212 Probability IV 2
General Study Courses
GSP 202 Issues in Peace and Conflict Resolution 2
GSP 208 Nigerian People and Culture 2
Third Year Mathematics
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 311 Abstract Algebra I 3
MTH 321 Metric Space Topology 3
MTH 327 Elementary Differential Equation II 3
MTH 323 Complex Analysis I 3
MTH 331 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling 3
Elective Courses
Any 2-3 units from the following 2/3
*MTH 313 Geometry I 2
MTH 329 Calculus in RN 3
MTH 337 Optimization Theory I 2
MTH 339 Analytic Dynamics 2
MTH 335 Introduction to Operation Research 3
**MTH 341 Discrete Mathematics I 2
STA 311 Probability V 2
STA 321 Distribution Theory 2
STA 331 Statistical Inference IV 2
COS 333 Systems Analysis and Design 2
*To be taken with MTH 314
**To be taken with MTH 342
SECOd Semester
Major Courses
MTH 312 Abstract Algebra II 3
MTH 324 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3
MTH 328 Complex Analysis II 3
MTH 326 Real Analysis II 3
Elective Courses
Any 4-5 units from the following    4/5
MTH 314 Geometry II 2
MTH 316 Differential Geometry 3
MTH 338 Optimization Theory II 2
MTH 336 Dynamics of Rigid Body 3
MTH 338 Special Theory of Relativity 4
MTH 342 Discrete Mathematics II 2
MTH 344 Numerical Analysis I 3
STA 312 Probability VI 2
STA 332 Inference VI 2
COS 332 Operating System II 2
Fourth Year Mathematics
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 421 Ordinary Differential Equation 3
MTH 429 Functional Analysis 3
MTH 425 Lebesgue Measure and Integration 3
Elective Courses
Any 6-7 units from the following 6/7
MTH 427 Field Theory in Mathematical Physics 3
MTH 439 Analytic Dynamics II 3
MTH 437 System Theory 4
MTH 443 Numerical Analysis II 3
MTH 441 Mathematical Methods II 3
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 428 Partial Differential Equations 3
MTH 424 General Topology 3
MTH 452 Project 4
Elective Courses
Any 6-7 units from the Following: 6/7
MTH 412 Abstract III 3
MTH 432 General Theory of Relativity 4
MTH 438 Electromagnetism 3
MTH 436 Fluid Dynamics 3
MTH 434 Elasticity 3
MTH 444 Numerical Analysis III 3

Three Year Standard Programme

The three year-standard programme is the same as the four-year standard programme excluding the first year. However, the direct entry students are required to take GSP 101, GSP 102, GSP 207 and GSP 208 during their first year.


Service Courses Intended for Specified Departments/Faculties

First Semester
MTH 201 Advanced Mathematics I 3
(Primarily intended for students of Accountancy and Management)
MTH 203 Advanced Mathematics III 3
Primarily intended for students of Surveying Students)
MTH 205 Advanced Mathematics V 2
MTH 207 Advanced Mathematics VII 2
(Primarily intended for Engineering Students)
Second Semester
(Primarily intended for Accountancy and Management Students)
MTH 202 Advanced Mathematics II 3
Primarily intended for students of Surveying Students)
MTH 204 Advanced Mathematics IV 2
MTH 206 Advanced Mathematics VI 2
MTH 208 Advanced Mathematics VIII 2
Primarily intended for students of Surveying Students)


First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 111 Elementary Mathematics I 3
MTH 121 Elementary Mathematics II 3
CHM 101 Basic Principles of Inorganic Chemistry 2
CHM 171 Basic Practical Chemistry 2
Required Ancillary Courses
PHY 115 General Physics for Physical Sciences I 2
PHY 116 General Physics for Physical Sciences II 2
General Study Courses
GSP 101 Communication in English I 2
GSP 111 The Use of Library and Study Skills 2
Total Units 18
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 122 Elementary Mathematics III 3
CHM 112 Basic Principle of Physical Chemistry 2
CHM 122 Basic Principle of Organic Chemistry 2
Required Ancillary Courses
PHY 118 General Physics for Physical Sciences III 2
MTH 131 Elementary Mechanics I 3
General Study Courses
GSP 102 Use of English II 2
Total Units 14
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 211 Set, Logic and Algebra 3
MTH 215 Linear Algebra I 2
MTH 221 Real Analysis I 3
CHM 201 General Inorganic Chemistry 2
CHM 211 General Physical Chemistry 2
CHM 221 General Inorganic Chemistry I 2
CHM 273 Practical Organic Chemistry I 2
Required Ancillary Courses
CS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
General Study Courses
GSP 201 Basic Concepts &Theory of Peace 2
GSP 207 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 2
Total Units    22
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 216 Linear Algebra II 2
MTH 222 Elementary Differential Equations I 3
MTH 242 Mathematical Methods I 3
CHM 222 General Inorganic Chemistry II 2
CHM 232 Analytic Chemistry 2
CHM 272 Practical Physical Chemistry I 2
CHM 274 Practical Inorganic Chemistry I 2
Required Ancillary Courses
GSP 202 Issues in Peace and Conflict Resolution 2
GSP 208 Nigerian People and Culture 2
Total Units 20
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 311 Abstract Algebra I 3
MTH 323 Complex Analysis I 3
CHM 301 Inorganic Chemistry I 2
CHM 311 Physical and Structural Chemistry I 2
Required Ancillary Courses
COS 201 Computer Programming I 2
Elective Courses
Any 4-5 units from the following
GEOL 103 Basic and Applied Geology for Environmental and Physical   Sciences 3
GEOL 213 Optical Mineralogy 2
STA 205 Statistics for Physical Sciences and Engineering I 2
Total Units 16/17
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 312 Abstract Algebra II 3
MTH 326 Real Analysis II 3
CHM 302 Inorganic Chemistry II 2
CHM 312 Physical and Structural Chemistry II 2
CHM 314 Physical and Structural Chemistry III 2
Required Ancillary Courses
PHY 262 Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics 3
Elective Courses
Any 5 units from the following       5
COS 202 Computer Programming II 3
GEOL 212 Crystallography and Mineralogy 2
GEOL 141 Earth History 3
Total Units 20
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 321 Metric Space Topology 3
MTH 327 Elementary Differential Equation II 3
MTH        337 Optimization Theory I      2
CHM 321 Organic Chemistry I 2
CHM 374 Applied Spectroscopy 2
CHM 411 Advanced Physical Chemistry I 2
CHM 431 Modern Analytical Techniques 2
MTH/ CHM 452/492 Project 4/6
Total Units     20/22
Second Semester      
Major Courses      
MTH 324 Vector and Tensor Analysis        3
MTH 328 Complex Analysis II 3
CHM 322 Organic Chemistry II 2
CHM 323 Organic Chemistry III 2
CHM 412 Advanced Physical Chemistry II 2
CHM 372 Practical Physical Chemistry II 2
CHM 402 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II 2
Total Units     16



First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 111 Elementary Mathematics I 3
MTH 121 Elementary Mathematics II 3
ECO 101 Principles of Economics I 2
ECO 131 Introduction to Economics Statistics I 2
Required Ancillary Course
STA 111 Probability I 2
STA 131 Inference I 2
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 101 Communication in English I 2
GSP 111 The Use of Library and Study Skills 2
Total Units 20
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 122 Elementary Mathematics III 3
ECO 102 Principles of Economics II 2
ECO 132 Introduction to Economics Statistics II 2
Required Ancillary Course
STA 112 Probability II 2
STA 132 Inference II 2
STA 172 Statistical Computing I 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 102 Communication in English II 2
Total Units 15
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 211 Set, Logic and Algebra 3
MTH 215 Linear Algebra I 2
MTH 221 Real Analysis I 3
ECO 201 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I 2
ECO 203 Macroeconomic Theory I 2
ECO 281 Structure of Nigerian Economy I 2
General Study Courses
GSP 201 Basic Concepts &Theory of Peace 2
GSP 207 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 2
Total Units      18
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 216 Linear Algebra II 2
MTH 222 Elementary Differential Equations I 3
MTH 224 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3
ECO 202 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory II 2
ECO 204 Macroeconomic Theory II 2
ECO 281 Structure of Nigerian Economy II 2
General Study Courses
GSP 202 Issues in Peace and Conflict Resolution 2
GSP 208 Nigerian People and Culture 2
Total Units 18
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 321 Metric Space Topology 3
MTH 323 Complex Analysis I 3
MTH 337 Optimization Theory I 2
*ECO 301 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I 2
*ECO 361 Development Economics 2
ECO 391 Research Methods in Economics I 2
Required Ancillary Courses
STA 361 Probability III 2
STA 231 Inference II 2
Total Units 20
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 326 Real Analysis II 3
MTH 328 Complex Analysis II 3
MTH 338 Optimization Theory II 2
ECO 332 Introduction to Econometrics 2
ECO 302 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory II 4
Elective Courses
Any 2 units from the following    2
ECO 334 Mathematical Economics I 2
ECO 324 Financial Institution 2
Total Units 16
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 331 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling 3
MTH 337 Elementary Differential Equations II 3
MTH 429 Functional Analysis 3
ECO 401 Advanced Microeconomic Theory and Policy I 2
ECO 403 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory and Policy I 2
ECO 461 Problems and Policies of Development 2
ECO 465 Economic Planning I 2
ECO 475 Project Evaluation I 2
Total Units     16
Second Semester      
Major Courses      
MTH 324 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3
ECO 402 Advanced Microeconomic Theory and Policy II 2
ECO 404 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory and Policy II 2
ECO 466 Economic Planning II 2
ECO 476 Project Evaluation II 2
MTH/ECO 452/476 Project    4/6
Total Units     15/17


First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 111 Elementary Mathematics I 3
MTH 121 Elementary Mathematics II 3
PHY 121 Fundamentals of Physics I 3
PHY 195 Practical Physics II 2
Required Ancillary Course
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
General Study Courses
GSP 101 Communication in English I 2
GSP 111 The Use of Library and Study Skills 2
Elective Courses
Minimum of 2 units from the following: 2
CHM 101 Basic Principles of Chemistry I 2
CHM 171 Basic Practical Chemistry 2
STA 111 Probability I 2
STA 131 Inference I 2
Total Units 19
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 122 Elementary Mathematics III 3
PHY 122 Fundamental of Physics II 3
PHY 124 Fundamental of Physics III 3
General Study Courses
GSP 102 Communication in English II 2
Elective Course
Any 6 units from the following: 6
CHM 112 Basic Principle of Physical Chemistry 2
CHM 122 Basic Principle of Organic Chemistry 2
PHY 196 Practical Physics III 2
STA 112 Probability II 2
STA 132 Inference II 2
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 211 Set, Logic and Algebra 3
MTH 215 Linear Algebra I 2
MTH 221 Real Analysis I 3
PHY 211 Structure of Matter 3
PHY 221 Mechanics 2
PHY 251 Electromagnetism 2
General Study Courses
GSP 201 Basic Concepts &Theory of Peace 2
GSP 207 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 2
Total Units 19
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 216 Linear Algebra II 2
MTH 222 Elementary Differential Equations I 3
MTH 224 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3
PHY 241 Waves 3
PHY 261 Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics 3
PHY 291 Practical Physics III 2
General Study Courses
GSP 202 Issues in Peace and Conflict Resolution 2
GSP 208 Nigerian People and Culture 2
Total Units 20
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 311 Abstract Algebra I 3
MTH 321 Metric Space Topology 3
MTH 323 Complex Analysis I 3
PHY 301 Methods of Theoretical Physics I 2
PHY 321 Relativity Physics I 2
PHY 331 Thermal Physics 3
PHY 351 Electronics 2
PHY 391 Practical Physics V 2
Total Units 20
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 242 Mathematical Methods I 3
MTH 312 Abstract Algebra II 3
MTH 324 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3
MTH 326 Real Analysis II 3
PHY 302 Methods of Theoretical Physics I 2
PHY 362 Quantum Mechanics I 3
PHY 392 Practical Physics VI 2
Total Units 19
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 315 Differential Geometry 3
MTH 327 Elementary Differential Equations II 3
*MTH 441 Mathematical Methods II 3
PHY 401 Computational Physics 2
PHY 421 Analytic Dynamics 3
PHY 451 Electromagnetic Theory 2
PHY 461 Quantum Mechanics II 2
SECOd Semester      
Major Courses      
MTH 328 Complex Analysis II 3
MTH 335 Dynamics of a Rigid Body 3
PHY 411 Solid State Physics 3
PHY 431 Statistical Physics 2
MTH/PHY 452/493 Project 4
Total Units     15


First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 111 Elementary Mathematics I 3
MTH 121 Elementary Mathematics II 3
STA 111 Probability I 2
STA 131 Inference I 2
Required Ancillary Course
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
General Study Courses
GSP 101 Communication in English I 2
GSP 111 The Use of Library and Study Skills 2
Elective Course
Any 2-3 units from the following: 4/5
PHY 115 General Physics for Physical Science I 2
PHY 191 Practical Physics I 2
CHM 101 Basic Principles of Chemistry I 2
CHM 171 Basic Practical Chemistry 2
ECO 101 Principles of Economics I 2
GLG 111 Physical Geology 2
Second Semester
MTH 122 Elementary Mathematics III 3
STA 132 Inference II 2
STA 172 Statistical Computing I 2
General Study Courses
GSP 102 Communication in English II 2
Elective Course
Any 6-7 units from the following: 6/7
ECO 102 Principles of Economics II 2
CHM 112 Basic Principle of Physical Chemistry 2
PHY 116 General Physics for Physical Science II 2
CHM 122 Basic Principle of Organic Chemistry 2
GLG 142 Earth History 3
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 211 Set, Logic and Algebra 3
MTH 215 Linear Algebra I 2
MTH 221 Real Analysis I 3
STA 211 Probability III 2
STA 231 Inference III 2
Required Ancillary Courses
COS 201 Introduction to Computer Systems 3
General Study Courses
GSP 201 Basic Concepts &Theory of Peace 2
GSP 207 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 2
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 216 Linear Algebra II 2
MTH 222 Elementary Differential Equations I 3
MTH 224 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3
STA 212 Probability IV 2
STA 232 Inference IV 2
STA 272 Statistical Computing I 2
General Study Courses
GSP 202 Issues in Peace and Conflict Resolution 2
GSP 208 Nigerian People and Culture 2
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 321 Metric Space Topology 3
MTH 327 Elementary Differential Equation II 3
MTH 331 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling 3
STA 321 Distribution Theory 2
STA 331 Inference V 2
STA 341 Sampling Theory and Survey Methods I 2
STA 363 Operation Research I 3
Required Ancillary Courses
COS 201 Computer Programming I 2
Second Semester
Major Courses
MTH 324 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3
MTH 326 Real Analysis II 3
MTH 336 Dynamics of Rigid Body 3
STA 323 Analysis of Variance I 2
STA 332 Inference VI 2
STA 342 Sampling Theory and Survey Methods II 2
STA 362 Operation Research II 2
First Semester
Major Courses
MTH 323 Complex Analysis I 3
MTH 337 Optimization Theory I 2
MTH 421 Ordinary Differential Equation 3
MTH 441 Mathematical Methods II 3
STA 421 Design and Analysis of Experiment I 2
STA 461 Operation Research II 2
Elective Courses      
Minimum of 4-5 units from the following:     4/5
STA 413 Stochastic Process I 2
STA 415 Time Series I 2
STA 431 Bayesian Inference I 2
STA 435 Nonparametric Methods I 2
STA 433 Multivariate Analysis I 2
MTH 429 Functional Analysis 3
Total Units     19/20
Second Semester      
Major Courses      
MTH 328 Complex Analysis II 3
MTH 338 Optimization Theory II 2
MTH 428 Partial Differential Equations 3
MTH/STA 452/492 Project 4
Elective Courses      
Minimum of 4 units from the Following:     6/7
STA 414 Stochastic Process II 2
STA 416 Time Series II 2
STA 424 Design and Analysis of Experiment II 2
STA 432 Bayesian Inference II 2
STA 436 Nonparametric Methods II 2
STA 434 Multivariate Analysis II 2
STA 462 Operation Research III 2