Computer science students are lucky because the Internet is like a living textbook, full of information and advice for their field. Many professors, experts, and other people skilled in computer science have created essays, tutorials, and resource points, all designed to make your life easier.

Artificial Intelligence

Get an in-depth look into the world of AI through these resources.

  • A Definition of AI: This resource seeks for formally define artificial intelligence.
  • Philosophy and History of AI: Find the thinking and history behind AI as well as links and reading suggestions.
  • Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind: This dictionary is full of useful information in the study of artificial intelligence theory.
  • Minds Brains Programs: John Searle’s writing discusses the problems with seeing the brain as a computer device.

Hacking and Security

These resources cover the security side of computer science, whether you’re applying cryptography or cracking codes.


Check out loads of languages and algorithms by using these resources.

Information Sources

If you’re looking for information, these links are a great place to start.

  • Rexa: Rexa is a search engine and digital library for computer science literature.
  • TechXtra: This search engine focuses on computing, mathematics, and engineering.
  • Find White Papers: Find White Papers offers a collection of IT and computing information, available by searching, browsing, and RSS feed.
  • Computer Science Departments Across the Web: Get linked to Web and gopher servers of worldwide computer science departments.
  • Resources of Scholarly Societies-Computer Science: This listing offers access to sites created and maintained for scholarly computer science societies.
  • TechTutorials: This directory has loads of computer technology tutorials.
  • Free University Lectures: Get free CS lectures from MIT, Stanford, Harvard, and more here.
  • Catalog of Free Compilers and Interpreters: Get software for langage tools here.
  • W3 Schools: The World Wide Web Consortium shares extensive studying tools and tutorials for web development here.
  • This collection of information technology tutorials is impressive, ranging from hardware to software development tools.

Tools & Assistance

Get online help and tools to make your life easier here.

  • Martindale’s Calculators On-Line Center-Electrical and Computer Engineering: Computer science students can take advantage of this awesome collection of both basic and complex calculators.
  • Cramster: Check out this study community of students and teachers in mathematically-based subjects. You’ll get study materials as well as help from other members.
  • Online Research Tools for Computer Science: Visit this collection of tools to make research work easier and faster.
  • Engineering and Computer Science Tools: Here, you’ll find calculators, conversions, and more.
  • Babel: This glossary offers information on computer-related abbreviations and acronyms.
