The faculty believes that a sizeable majority, if not all the student are capable of meeting these requirement. On this fashion can our country make any progress in the transition from being a scientific consumer nation to being a scientific producer nation?
Apart from the administrative function performed by the dean, the faculty officers and other support staff and academic activities of the faculty are overseen by various committees of which the academic staff the members. The faculty is always prompt in handling appraisal matters of staff. The faculty has strong student union with an academic staff as its staff adviser. The union has often assisted the faculty by providing certain office material and equipment at academic years in which it received fund under Goods/services. At the moment, the faculty does not have and some important office equipment such as photocopying machine around computer and its accessories for the relevant staff. The building where the Deans office is housed has functional toilet faculties and no pipe born water supply. The offices of the faculty at carver have not been fully renovated.